Contact Us

Virunga Energies has a dynamic, qualified, young team to help it realise its vision. Our agents are based across various offices in Goma, Beni and Lubero.

Our offices are: 

  1. Goma: quartier Kihisi, at the intersection of RN2 and route 1Km témoin (Majengo);
  2. Rutshuru: 01, Avenue Matebe, Matebe village, Jomba area, Bwisha chiefdom
  3. Beni:  Kyavithumbi village, Mutwanga city, Bolema area, Rwenzori sector
  4. Lubero:, Kimbulu office: Kimbulu village, Luongo area; Ivingu office: Village Ivingu, Mbulye area


Telephone: +243 975 334 333